Wednesday, September 2, 2009


people often say stress is an outcome of an uncontrolled emotions.
people often say we have to control how we feel and avoid unnecessary stress.

but people are made differently. each of us reacts to different pressures differently. some people are cool as ice, some people jumps at the slightest sight of an unfortunate outcome.

it is easy for people to ask you to calm down and relax. it's easy for them to tell you there is nothing to be stressed out about.

but they don't know how it feels. because they don't have P.

i cried myself to bed last night. having spent a good 20 over minutes putting on the moisturizer on my skin.
feeling ugly. deep to the bone.

having to just turn 29 makes it worse. that's one year to the big 3-o.
i am ugly. and single at this point of time.

u women out there knows how it's like. u want to feel beautiful. u want your other half to tell you that you are beautiful.

well having this ugly patches on tummy, back and legs are not a beautiful sight.
that i can tell you.

i have this macho, miss independent women outlook when i am at work. but i can't hold it for long. i am fragile. and helpless.

i need to get over my P condition. even if i don't get cured 100% i wouldn't mind just tiny spots.
it's too early to see OLIVENOL results.

when i read other P patients' blog and watch their videos, i get so inspired.
then when work and stress piled up, i lose the momentum again.
this is a phase.

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